So, you would like to become a church member, or you just became a Christian.

Take our church membership/new believer’s class we call “Starting Point.”

This class will acquaint you with the church’s mission, vision, and values. It will also teach you the fundamentals of Christianity. Also, this class is a great refresher course for the veteran Christians.

Only four Sundays, after our second main service. Lasts about an hour and 15 minutes. Lunch is provided.

To be a member of NVC, someone should be:

  1. A Christian – Only someone who professes faith in Christ and desires to be an obedient learner and follower of  Him should be a member of a Christian church.
  2. A regular attendee – A church cannot affirm and oversee a person’s profession of faith if they do not regularly attend. Without attendance, membership is meaningless.
  3. Someone who desires to obey the Bible – A church member exercises childlike faith in the Bible being the Word of God and the only source whereby one lives a lifestyle pleasing to God. A church member embraces Absolute/Universal Truth and adopts a Biblical Worldview regarding all matters of life.
  4. Someone who agrees with the church’s mission, vision, and values – A church member is congruent with the overall DNA of the church and is eager to assimilate into the church’s culture.
  5. Someone who is willing to submit to the leadership of the church – If someone isn’t willing to follow the church’s leaders, then one will inevitably stir up division and strife. It’s best for one to join a church whose leaders one can obey.

Below are the details regarding the class:

We schedule this 4-week class on an as-needed basis. It serves as a Membership Class that covers our mission, vision, and values. It also serves as a New Believer Class that touches on the fundamentals. The class is not only for those new in the faith… but also for those farther along as a refresher course.

  • It lasts about an hour and 15 minutes after the second main service.
  • Lunch is provided.

Below are the links to our curriculum. If you signed up for this class, then you could open the below links, print up the curriculum, hole-punch the papers, and insert them into a 3-ring binder. If “Starting Point” has been scheduled and you signed up, then I’ll see you in class after church this Sunday!

Do you have a hard time reading the Bible consistently? (Many people do.) Take our 90-Day Challenge!

The 90-Day Challenge Bible Reading Plan

What if you spent the next 90 days walking alongside Jesus, listening to Peter preach, visiting churches with Paul, following Moses throughout the desert, and just falling more in love with God with each turning page?

You are hereby challenged to read through a section of the Bible in 90 days! Our prayer is that by the end of this challenge, you’ll feel so spiritually full you’ll never want to live on empty again.

Why should I do this? I should just read on my own!

It’s safe to assume that, in all honesty, we don’t read the Bible as much as we should. By signing up for this challenge, you will be encouraged and held accountable for gettin’ er done!

The feeling of accomplishment is awesome because this is hard. For most, the amount of reading is not what makes it difficult; it’s the spiritual warfare involved.

Okay, you sold me. How does the challenge work?

Step 1: Select one of the challenges below. Print the PDF, hole punch the papers, and put them in a 3-ring binder.

  • The PDF serves as an outline template. It shows you which book and chapters you are to read each day.
  • Write down a takeaway or two per chapter on the outline template.

Step 2: On day one, CLICK HERE and let us know you started.

Step 3: Bring your 3-ring binder to church every Sunday and share your journey with a staff member who will keep you accountable!

That’s it! Let me be the first to congratulate you in advance regarding meeting one of the most awesome goals you can meet as a follower of Jesus!